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Maziar Qasemi Adab, Canada

Expertise: Architecture design

I am a professional Architectural and Planning Consultant holding many years of experience in the field of geoparks. I gave presentations in most of the UNESCO Global Geopark Conferences that were super instructive and encouraging forums to learn from international experts.

I helped Qeshm Island Geopark in 2004 when the local government sent the first application to GGN and participated in many of their events like providing their Action Plan, Master Plan, Architectural Development projects, etc.

I worked hard within a team of 30-member Japanese experts to make Qeshm Island be a more sustainable place during my assignment as an Environmental Planner and a Project Coordinator on JICA Project from November 2015 until December 2018.

I moved out to Canada in 2019 and established a new firm to give Architectural Consultation Services worldwide. Please visit my LinkedIn profile to know more about me and see how we can collaborate.