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Eghbal Zobeiri, Iran

I am a geologist from Qeshm Island, Iran. I joined the Qeshm Island UNESCO Global Geopark in 2006 where I worked as an expert before becoming the head of the Geopark in 2014. Between 2015 and 2018 I worked with JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) Project Team as a Geologist and Local Administrative Manager to prepare a community-based master plan for Qeshm Island toward Eco-Island. My Master's degree focused on GIS & Remote Sensing because I was so interested in GIS. Since 2018 I am working as a GIS-Man freelancer and remote sensing analyzer.

The geopark and geosccience conferences and events I've attended since 2008 have allowed me to share my experiences and ideas with others, and learn from them.


Expertise: GeoScience & Remote Sensing

Joined in November 2021

Associated geoparks